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"When we look around what do we see? White clouds or golden leaves on a tree. When we listen what do we hear? Streams of running water or sounds of fear. When we sniff with our noses what do we smell? The scent of a rose or a fragrance to sell. When we chew on something what do we taste? Something fulfilling or some sort of waste. When we are thirsty what quenches our thirst? The second glass of lemonade or that glass of water first. When we are harmed what heals the hurt? Ointment on the wound or cleaning out the dirt. When we reach out with our hands what do we touch? The presence of a loved one or nothing much. When we open our hearts what do we feel? Something artificial or something real" 


Approximately 9 in X 9 in

The Senses

SKU: 364215376135199

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